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Court Services
Legal issues, such as DUIs or drug-related charges, can complicate recovery for those battling addiction. These challenges can increase stress during an already difficult time. If you or a loved one is facing legal problems affecting treatment, Solutions Recovery Center provides court liaison services to help you stay on track.

What we provide:
- Complete treatment documentation
- Compliance with court-ordered treatment
- Adherence to drug court and veteran’s treatment court requirements
- Direct communication with probation officers, law enforcement, and caseworkers for compliance

Community Benefit:
Alternative sentencing programs and court liaison services greatly benefit individuals in drug treatment by allowing them to work in the community and earn an income, aiding their transition back to daily life. These programs also alleviate the burden on the overwhelmed criminal justice system and reduce taxpayer costs associated with incarcerating nonviolent drug offenders.

Client Benefit:
Additionally, participants can witness the impact of their actions on family and, fostering recovery and helping them develop vital interpersonal skills to succeed in their journey.
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